Thursday, March 11, 2010

Yoga dreams

I want to try Rocket Yoga, created by Larry Schultz. Check out this video. Unfortunately, there don't seem to be any Rocket Yoga studios in Seattle.

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Thursday, November 08, 2007

CEO quotes

From David Pogue's Circuits column in which readers reply to his questions:

Do P.R. people really expect anyone to believe that the standard, stilted, second-paragraph C.E.O. quote was really uttered by a human being?

--"No. Some PR people are quite bright. Once they write a quote, however, it has to be vetted, edited, and changed by at least six stilted, brown-nosing vice presidents and/or product managers."

--"It wasn't uttered by a human being; that's the way CEOs talk."

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Loose wires

Notes from the neighbors' never-ending remodeling project:

This morning I heard an engine revving and looked out our front window to see the the electrician's van rocketing away from the curb. Then, a screech of brakes, as the electrician's assistant stops the truck, hops out of the cab, and runs around to secure the van's rear doors, which he'd left flapping wide open.

One of his co-workers appeared in the front door of the house, clapping slowing and sarcastically.

Monday, June 19, 2006

Brunch guest

Oatmeal-eating bear in kitchen surprises Vancouver, B.C., woman.

Friday, June 09, 2006

Raccoon capers

Mysterious Traveler often blogs about raccoons, and this time of year her archives get quite a few hits from search engines:
Coonzilla returns
Here kitty, kitty -- oops
More tales of the cat door
Weekend visitor
Another raccoon ruckus

But here's a blog entry that tops hers -- the raccoon bicycle story.

Monday, June 05, 2006

Feeling experimental?

Try Diet Coke and Mentos. Talk about a burst of flavor!

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

The latest wireless device

Zorg sends word of the newly patented cordless jump-rope. But I think it would make Double Dutch very difficult.